Monday, July 7, 2014

Strength Training is Longevity Training

"Strength training is longevity training."

"Image courtesy of tiverylucky /".

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ten No Carb to Low Carb Mexican Recipes

For all you low/no carb eaters out there that love Mexican cuisine like I do, I wanted to share some of my favorite recipes I've found online. Enjoy!

(at the bottom of the page)

Please share your favorite low/no carb recipes in the comments.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

FREE: Sugar Free Recipes [Kindle Edition]

Sugar Free Recipes: The Complete Guide to Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and More (Every Day Recipes) [Kindle Edition]

Free until 1/12/2014

Monday, December 16, 2013

Fruits and Vegetables - To Buy Organic or Not to Buy Organic?

Sometimes it's just not in the budget to buy "all" organic. 

These two lists will help you with what fruit and vegetables you should always buy organic and what is OK to skip when you just can't fit it in your budget.

The Dirty Dozen aka the twelve most contaminated fruits and vegetables.

The Clean Fifteen aka the fifteen least contaminated fruits and vegetables.