Showing posts with label Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenge. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2013

12 Week Biggest Loser Challenge - Effective Planning and Goal Setting

On Sunday a few of my family and friends are starting a "12 Week Biggest Loser Challenge".  One thing I've learned is planning ahead works and that is what I've been doing the last few days. I started with Charles Platkin's "effective planning and goal setting" outline. 

1. Specific: Plan it out.

How - Calories intake: 1200 - 1550 a day. Eating clean. Plan my meals ahead of time. Keep fresh fruits and vegetables available at all times for snacking. 

Exercise: Walk 2 miles (+) every day. Every other day either go to the gym, or do the 30 Day Shred

I've got my Fitbit to help track my miles and I'll be using and Sparkpeople app to track my calorie intake and exercise (calorie burn). My Fitbit is also linked to my Sparkpeople account. I need to burn at least 770 calories per week. Sparkpeople helped me figure that out.

When - Eat within an hour of waking and stop eating three hours before bed. I like to get my exercise out of the way (or I tend to not get around to it) so I'll be going to the gym or doing the 30 Day Shred in the morning. The walking I'll do either in the morning or in the afternoon or both. 

Where - Where ever I'm at. No Excuses. 

Why - I'm tired of carrying around the extra weight. I'm tired of not ever having anything (cute) to wear. Most important, I'd like to get healthy and be around for my family. 

2. Motivating: My why for sure and the 12 week BL challenge. We will keep each other motivated.

3. Achievable: Very achievable. 

4. Rewarding: See my why above. The 12 week BL challenge does have a cash reward but losing the weight is reward enough for me.

5. Tactical: See my how above.

6. Evaluated: With my Sparkpeople account I'll be able to evaluate if it's working or not.

7. Revisable: Yes and if needed I will revise and not give up.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

28 Day Change Your Body Change Your Life Challenge